Welcome to Imaging Point Diagnostics
- IPD is a premier standalone diagnostic centre in the heart of Ahmedabad city with a trusted diagnostic legacy of eight years .
- Professionally owned and managed by group of highly qualified , experienced team of radiologists trained at premier diagnostic institutes of India.
- Team imaging point thrives to give the perfect diagnosis with full dedication on each & every patient by individual radiologist for every modality.
- More than one lac patients have been investigated till date.
- Team imaging point diagnostics has regularly organized CME,s for the academic development in association with various medical associations in & around Ahmedabad.
About us
- Spread over 8000 square feet of constructed area with ample parking space .
- Centrally located with smooth connectivity with all parts of the Ahmedabad ( peripheral Ahemdabad ) as well as with main Sabarmati riverfront road.
- Ergonomic planning with minimum movement & shifting of the patients within the centre for investigations .
- Extra ordinary response time for reporting – Amongst the best in Ahmedabad.
- Only centre of Ahmedabad on the panel of INDIAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION .
- Dedicated full time highly qualified radiologists .
- Ambulance service available on request.
Meet Our Doctors
Dr. Pratik Garg
Dr. Pratik Garg
15 years experience
Dr. Pratik Garg is an alumni of NHL municipal medical college, V.S. Hospital, Ahmedabad. He passed his DMRE in 2001, stood 1st in Gujarat University, cleared MD radiology examination in 2002 with 2nd position in Gujarat University. Subsequently did fellowship in CT scan at V.S. Hospital for 6 months, followed by two years of intervention and advance imaging at Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai. Since 2005 successfully practicing MRI, MDCT, sonography and interventions in Ahmedabad.
Dr. Pranav Devani
Dr. Pranav Devani
7 years experience
- Dr. Pranav Devani is high qualified radiologist, passed his DMRE from SMS medical college, Jaipur followed by MD from elite SGPGI Luckonow with high skills in interventional procedures.
- Trained / studied for seven years under the stalwarts of radiology in India & amongst very few radiologist in Ahmedabad to have such an elaborate training. Highly qualified in advance imaging, neuroradiology & musculoskeletal imaging.
Dr. Sugam Gupta
Dr. Divya Mehta
2 years experience
Dr. Divya Mehta is a young bright radiologist, trained at V. S. Hospital, Ahmedabad with active interest in woman imaging and cross sectional body imaging.
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Dr. Divya Mehta
Dr. Sugam Gupta
2 years experience
Dr. Sugam Gupta is a young bright radiologist, trained at V. S. Hospital, Ahmedabad with active interest in musculoskeletal imaging and sonography.
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High Speed CT Scan

3D / 4D Sonography

Interventional Radiology


Digital X-ray